Press Release
Expression of Nrf2 and NF-??B transcription factors in breast cancer & breast fibroadenoma
Volume 11, Number 18 of @Oncotarget reported that cancer and fibroadenoma are the most common breast tumors in women of reproductive age.
However, few studies have analyzed these markers in breast cancer and fibroadenoma in women of reproductive age.
Nrf2 and NF- B expression was significantly higher in breast cancer than in fibroadenoma, in addition to having a greater association with more aggressive tumors.
Dr. Benedito Borges da Silva from Postgraduate Program, Northeast Biotechnology Network (RENORBIO), Department of Health as well as The Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences and Getúlio Vargas Hospital in The Department of Mastology all at The Federal University of Piauí in Teresina Piauí Brazil said, "Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed malignant neoplasm in women worldwide and, although most prevalent in postmenopausal women, it is estimated that 4.8–5% of cases occur in young adults under 40 years of age."
"Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed malignant neoplasm in women worldwide and, although most prevalent in postmenopausal women, it is estimated that 4.8–5% of cases occur in young adults under 40 years of age."
- Dr. Benedito Borges da Silva, Postgraduate Program, Northeast Biotechnology Network (RENORBIO), Department of Health as well as The Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences and Getúlio Vargas Hospital in The Department of Mastology all at The Federal University of Piauí
Despite some controversy over a higher risk for breast cancer in the presence of fibroadenoma, according to the concept of ANDI, this lesion may be considered as a control for breast cancer biomarker studies.
The NF- B signaling pathway includes a family of transcription factors that play a role in immunity, inflammation, and various cancers, including breast cancer.
Figure 1: Photomicrographs of histological sections of breast fibroadenoma (A), histological grade 1 breast cancer (B), grade 2 breast cancer (C) and grade 3 breast cancer (D). Note the higher concentration of Nrf2 stained nuclei in breast cancer cells compared to fibroadenoma cells and also a higher concentration of Nrf2 stained nuclei in histological grade 3 than grade 2 and higher in grade 2 than grade 1 breast cancer (original magnifcation × 400).
However, there are few studies evaluating the immunohistochemical expression of Nrf2 and NF- B in women with breast cancer, and to the best of the knowledge available, "no published research has simultaneously evaluated the expression of these biomarkers in women of reproductive age with breast cancer and fibroadenoma."
The Borges da Silva Research Team concluded in their Oncotarget Research Article, that studies show that breast cancer occurs more often in older women, while fibroadenoma is more common in younger women
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Correspondence to - Benedito Borges da Silva -
Keywords - breast cancer, fibroadenoma, NRF2, NF-κB, immunohistochemistry
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